Chairman Miaow

Chairman Miaow

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Scrolling Vision Dreams

Haven't been around here much. Back at work which is good for the mortgage but bad for the creative thinking. Anyhows...

I like to take a nap in the afternoon at weekends. I'm not getting any younger and I've been doing it for years, and as I'm an early riser it kind of goes with the territory. And daytime sleeping's good for dreams. However, I have a common dream which has developed over the years. Basically it's not what's happening that's important, but the fact the in my dream I'm suddenly unable to walk, function etc because what I'm seeing ahead of me is like a rolling picture on an old TV set (scrolling top to bottom), which causes a loss of balance and inability to get up from where, in my dream, I am sitting, lying etc.

Ok, so this isn't a good feeling and brings on mild panic in the dream. What's really interesting is that over the years the dream has developed. I'm now so used to this that in my dreams I alert other people to what's happening to me, and ask them to look at my eyes to see if they can see anything. So while I haven't progressed to knowing that it is a dream (and therefore waking myself up) I have at least acknowledged in my dream state that this isn't 'right' and that it's something that's happened many times before. These dreams are so real that when I wake up and realise it was a dream the divison between dream state and waking state is almost interchangeable, except that when I wake up I have no lingering 'scrolling vision' issues.

Isn't the human brain a wonderful thing?

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